Executive Officers of the Board
Mr. Adam Foutz, C.M.
Mr. Jeff Powell, C.M.
Mr. Ben Harrison, C.M.
Mr. Todd Storey
Ron Mathieu, C.M.
Col. Roosevelt J. Lewis (USAF. Ret.)
Board Members
Col. Roosevelt J. Lewis (Ret.)
Mr. Wade Davis, C.M., Montgomery Regional Airport
Mr. Rudder Williams, Scottsboro Municipal Airport (Scottsboro)
Ms. Staci Hayes (Ret.)
Mr. Art Morris, Dothan Regional Airport (Dothan)
Mr. Ron Mathieu, C.M., Birmingham International Airport (Birmingham)
Mr. Barry Griffith, A.A.E., Northeast Alabama Regional Airport (Muscle Shoals)
Mr. Terry Franklin., Shelby County Airport (Alabaster)
Mr. Erskine Funberburg., St. Clair County Airport (Pell City)
Ms. Nikki Jordan, Moton Field Airport (Tuskegee)
Mr. Ben Harrison, Cullman Regional Airport (Cullman)
Mr. Chip Groner, H.L. Sonny Callahan Airport (Fairhope)
Mr. Jim Corrigan, Craig Field Airport (Selma)
Butch Roberts, A.A.E. (Huntsville)
Emeritus Board Members
Mr. Rick Tucker, Huntsville International Airport (Huntsville)
Mr. Russ Kilgore (Ret.)
Mr. Todd Storey (Ret.)
ACA 2022 Committees
Executive Committee
Jeff Powell – Chair
Academic Relations & Professional Development Committee
Adam Foutz – Chair
Annual Meeting / Annual Workshop Committee
Marisa Montgomery – Chair
Corporate Liaison Committee
Michelle Conway – Chair
Finance / Administration Committee
Scott Fuller – Chair
Legislative Committee
Rick Tucker – Committee Chair / Commercial Service Chair
Ben Harrison – GA Chair
Chip Groner – GAAA Chairman or Representative
Membership and Airport Engagement Committee
Terry Franklin – Chair
Marketing Committee
Adam Foutz – Chair